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Facing the Unconsciousness [Illuminati]

Written by Mother of All Creation August 22nd, 2008



Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom/Company of Heaven, Part of the Ground Crew of First Contact, on the Front Lines Facing the Unconsciousness[ iIluminati] face to face. With Mother and Father God and the Family of Light, Present and Fully Awakened.

Greetings, Miracles and Blessings, Today shall we say is the First Day of the Rest of y- our Lives!! Amy Pearson Ready to Fly

The Illuminati served the Light with Papers LOL, The LIght has been served to leave them alone and vacate Immediatly because we broke all their rules and we Laugh so hard that we are in too Much Joy, they have a "belief" they can buy their way into the "Kingdom of Heaven" As well as they could win if they got us out!! LOL..POL

...Jokes on them, For the Kingdom of Heaven is not bought, its given and received. They then attempted to control the family of Light. The Angels stood guard, The Family of Elders [Of the Light] are having a Meeting as we Begin Together Setting up the Heavenly Government.

Those of you, Awakened ones and you "know" who you are. We are asking you to join us, For we are going to all Co-sign, Co Owners for a loan from the illumanti/ banks, paid back by 2012, and Build our Own Light Center and only Joy May enter. Here in Crestone,Co the Family of Light is Awakened and Prepared to begin the foundations of The Heavenly Government. All are invited to join us here. For this is going to be without the Control of the Ignorant and Stupid.Who want power over, instead of the Truth of Power with. WE are ONE. Nothing can stop us as We the Family of Light on the Front Lines and taking everything away from the Illumaniti that they "thought" they "owned" and was theres.

We now have limeted amounts of moments

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