Written by Mother of All Creation July 24th, 2008
We are currently witnessing many coming into the void, to only turn around and return back from the starting point.
The reason is because the unknown, with the current Truths coming out is the Unknown, and fear takes hold. ALL who read our messages, receive activation codes, we are a part of the Divine plan, and have received our Roles, everyone will as they awaken and no role is better, than anyone elses, we must reheart you that this is not a competion.
Also Let us share with you about fear. You have a thought that somehow the fear is stronger then you...Just the opposite is the Truth and the only way out is through.No one can do it for you. Each Moment in the NOW, the only 2 choices to make are fear or LOVE.
Everyone must walk along the Bridge to get to the other Side, there is no other way..this is accomplished within your Consciousness. The Earth Grid, which is a Magnetic Grid has just been placed around the Earth so that connections are clear once the Being chooses to awaken from out of the Dream.
Your Greeters into the Kingdom of Heaven[ Elders] have taken there place and Roles within the Divine Plan Unfolding with all the Angels, all the Galactic Federations, and ALL UNIVERSES are in Place for the Grand Celebration.
Unity Consciousness is Now Fully established.
In all Cities around the planet, We have ships hovering and on Stand By, oh the human eyes may not see them yet, but they are there.
We have many Lighted Beings in many places who have also taken positions, around the Planet.To assist and assure Humanitys Release from the chains of Illusion, within all Government Structures, Corporate Structures, and all who support anything except what is for the HIGHEST Good for everyone on this Planet.
WE are preparing for the 8/8/8 energies which will spiral all of us UPWARD as well as Anchor the Heaven into the Earth, along with Humanities Couple to be announced as a part of a team of elders as Examples for everyone on the Planet.
The energies will be increasing as each moment increases at Light Speed vibration. The more you resist the changes occurring the more challenging it will become.
We have stated this in many of our messages so that you understand, the only way out is through.
We are standing in the Kingdom of Heaven waiting for Everyone..We just happened to arrive here first. To Say "Welcome Home GODS"!
Many events are occurring on many levels as we speed forward, we will see structures that no longer support Heaven come stumbling down, this includes everything that no longer supports Life or Supports the Greater Good of the Whole.
The Grace Light is allowing Creation the Space to create, and Creator always CREATES MORE GRANDNESS.
What this means is that Creator is Giving us Gifts, after Gifts....So here we go into the Clearing Phases...ALL EYES ARE ON PLANET EARTH=HEART. The only way out is through!! Let GO!! AND There you are...Notice in the Following Song Lyrics they changed die to LIVE!!!
Much Love To all Humanity and In Service to the Truth on Planet Earth Twin Flames Lia AMeil and Amerith WhiteEagle