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Human Angels Are Awake

Written By Mother of All Creation; September 21 2007

The ocean waves come crashing down against the smooth white sand as energies of life and love come pouring into the rocks and lands, separate no more, home at last....The charade is over as we take off our masks...The winds of change are among us as the ushering begins a new life , a new story, and Mother Earth renews her lands....We now look ahead above the horizon and see our beautiful sun... shining ever so brightly on our newly painted trees and sands...we feel the breeze of freedom gently sweeping our ego's to dry land...We then begin the surrender our souls have sought for since time began...surrender, we had to, for the Ultimate Divine plan, where we are all one for the highest good and best outcome for all, and to bring back into the earth un-conditional pure love...Our Hearts Now see the vision of the Golden age.. where heaven and earth collide...and become one of the same...Human Angels are reaching for others declaring they have made it to the land of the free and are well prepared to lead all out of misery!!! ....They Stepped away from the illusion that fear is something real and have made friends with an ego that kept All from being real... recognizing un-conditional love is finally here...Here to uncover the truth of one's being....not of human thinking for we are ready for spiritual living and being...Look for these Angels as they appear... teaching others about Love, truth, must allow and feel.. The Human Angels are awake and now walk among these lands fulfilling their missions and contracts to bring love back into the hearts of man... and welcome all into the paradise in which was once only a dream now truly manifested and waiting to be seen...The Human Angels broke free from the bonds of there thoughts and forgetfulness to lead the way into heaven to laugh, to play, and simply just must surrender and believe this is real.. for when you awaken you will see us there.. into the only thing left now that is real....Life without worry, doubt or fear...for we are lead gently by Gods divine will.. we have heard Her call ,we answered and have been well prepared....We have been called into action...Look for us we are here....The golden gate is now opening for all who feel to go... follow your heart and inner compass...see the treasures, miracles and gifts for the Divine Human Angels have awakened to shine a light for the path which once was dark has now been lightened.... We have taken our places on a new stage of creation....We were once the meek and all said disillusioned....and Now have spread our wings and are singing with our beautiful lift the world up above into a land of Unification....a land of freedom, love, and our true passion...We have bravely traveled out of the depths of illusion.....and Proudly stand as Lighthouses and Divine human Angels.....

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