On August 28 2007, Mother of All Creation Proclaimed The New Universal Laws, Below is Mother of All Creation's original comments on these Laws.
Eons ago humans began a grand experiment..one in which they completely forgot who they truly are and entered life in duality....Now this time period is about to be over....Lightworkers everywhere from everywhere have awakened and re-member there deep connections to god....many came by contract to basically Save the World and bring it out of Illusion with the help of our galactic brothers and sisters...We no longer wish to live in duality... We have given up our free will[ the ego or little mind] and as a whole consciousness have chosen to shine our lights, live our truths ,support life and un-conditional love ...we have chosen love instead of fear...We have joined in consciousness as one to light up the earth and pull her out of the darkness that she has been in...to heal ourselves, each other, and mother earth...We are on the verge of birthing a Whole New Story and each are now coming into there missions to do this...We each hold a unique responsibility and roles as collectively we anchor in the light of Heaven....In July we participated in Firing the Grid....where we sent our lights[energies of Love] to cover the earth.. we succeeded in doing so...Many of Us have been following the Celestine Prophecy insights and have reached a mass level and are in the 11th insight "
11. Extending Prayer Fields The Eleventh Insight from The Celestine Prophecy By James Redfield (is the precise method through which we hold the vision. For centuries, religious scriptures, poems, and philosophies have pointed to a latent power of mind within all of us that mysteriously helps to affect what occurs in the future. It has been called faith power, positive thinking, and the power of prayer. We are now taking this power seriously enough to bring a fuller knowledge of it into public awareness. We are finding that this prayer power is a field of intention, which moves out from us and can be extended and strengthened, especially when we connect with others in a common vision. This is the power through which we hold the vision of a spiritual world and build the energy in ourselves and in others to make this vision a reality." This is the basis of our next Global meditation on September 18th "Hold The Vision"...the 12th insight is yet to be revealed....We stand as a body of one, sending love out to heal the planet...and return her to her pristine perfect state as well as awaken everyone into their god/goddess form one is meant to be...We have developed a New set of Universal laws to support life and to end the separation... for we are not separate we are all one...Join Us as we embark on manifesting Heaven...
The New Universal Laws
Support honesty and Truth....
Support Mother Earth and Heaven
Support Happiness, Joy, Creativity, Peace and Harmony
Support who you truly are as Gods/Goddesses
Support Un-conditional Love and GOD
Support Passion, Playfulness, and Laughter
Support Beauty, Perfect health, and Healing
Support all Creation and set intentions for the Highest Good
Support Vision, Faith, and Miracles
Support Kindness and Smiles
Support Oneness, Grandness, and Living in the moment
Support the One River of Life
Support our Galactic Brothers and Sisters
Support Abundance, Treasures and Gifts
Support Living in a State of Gratitude
Support True Freedom and Live life Real
Support Nature in all her beauty and Wisdom
Support Manifesting all of Ones Dreams and Desires
Support Rainbows and Building Bridges of Love to one another
Support Angels and all Who serve The Highest Good
Support Becoming the Greatest/Grandest Vision/Version one can be......
join Us as we Hold our lights high and bright for all to see...you will not miss it this is a gift for all of Humanity...as we march forward on our grand journeys with Grace and Integrity Heaven is close at hand......