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Stairway to Heaven

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Written by Mother of All Creation August 12th, 2008

8/12/08 7:17am Love from "The Galactic Federation of Light", The Kingdom of Heaven, The First Contact Team, The Royal Fleet with Mother and Father God. Today is August 12th, 2008 and today's message is about "The Stairway to Heaven", Walking towards the Light. 8/8/8 The Marriage of the Male/Female energies Married, and combined into ONE. With this event all the Doors became wide open into the "Kingdom of Heaven"...and they shall remain open, for Only Truth May enter. Of course there are more refined understandings of this 8/8/8 event, with the Marriage there were Multi-Dimensional Events occurring across creation, and some of your other Channelers are providing this information. You see the Truth in this is that it only took One. One to walk into the Kingdom of Heaven JUST ONE, So then all may enter. The Upcoming events occurring, will shake the rest of the Planet UnAware of what is still Going on.... This energy is coming from the Inside out[ inside is source energy] as it does this it draws all other like energies to it. Atoms of energy remembering its Source, Light, Love, Joy, Laughter, Abundance, ...... Darkness is only darkness absent of Light, the Light is Shining on the darkness, and we say "See ya". The same internal process we have gone through, once we Love ourselves unconditionally and open the door to source energy, is the same Mother Earth is going through as well. Love from the inside out! We are awakening together as a Family of One, Light. For this inside energy of source is NOW flowing through all heart beats on the planet. To Prepare for the UpComing Events, of "Humanity's Grand Awakening" Its a Celebration. You may be experiencing some burning sensations, that has been a common complaint amongst Lightworkers. Our Bodies are Preparing to take on the High energy of the ships, so all is continuing to be refined[ Amerith and I have been experiencing High Amounts of energy so refined, that we can feel the ships near us.] Yes they are in our skies, and Yes in our Atmosphere. All is a planned event, that is interchangable with Humanity's awareness of our Arrival. Its also as if we are going up and they are moving towards us during this process. With the Day still unknown of the exact connection. Earth is Becoming " The Galactic Central" for this Universe. As a Paradise for all of existence to Enjoy! Before we sign off, we wish to express that we are not the Only ones out here speaking the Truth. We intend your Hearts have lead you to the light information as to allow you to "put the pieces together" so that a clearer picture is provided of what is actually occurring and within this Light Information to empower you to make choices for the Highest Good of ALL. There are many of us all over the Planet with the Common Goal of assisting and preparing this Planet for the Transformation changes and we have done so with UN-CONDITIONAL Love, for ALL of our Information has been provided for FREE. The silent evolution, carrying with it Love based energy, will Make its presence Understood very soon.Until those Moments, Be in JOY, Let it all GO, we are in for some very Exiting Moments. Be Present Be Here NOW, Love yourself and Love thy Brother/Sister, for all Love can Be is LOVE. "Love from the inside out", as you walk towards the Light... Love from "The Galactic Central, with The Galactic Federation of Light and the Kingdom of Heaven" In Service to the Truth on Planet Earth=Heart Twin Flames In Love with Humanity Mother and Father God Lia AMeil and AMerith WhiteEagle

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