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The Courage to Be Love

Written by Mother of All Creation April 10th, 2008

The plain naked TRUTH is that we ARE ALL ONE AND ALL ONE LOVE, Today and the next moments we should be gathering together in support of our True Freedom, our true freedom as a True Body of ONE, uniquely expressed within the One GodHead.I sat with AMerith last night and said what occurs if everyone resists the Truth of the Being...My Heart a Little saddened at just the thought that this mind/ego can take over the true being, and the true being getting lost and caught up in the mess this mind/ego has created for all. His answer to me was very simple and very short and he said "Lia all we can do is provide information and then if the true Heart of the being can "SEE" the truth then they can make a choice, its all about choices, we are not here to lead, this is not our task, we are only here to provide honest information about the truth of who we all are...WE ARE ALL BRILLIANT BEINGS OF LIGHT AND LOVE....WE DO NOT WANT FOLLOWERS...WE WANT CO-CREATORS AND CO-WORKERS TO STAND IN THEIR BRILLIANCE, THEIR LOVE, THEIR OWN LIGHT. JUST AS WE ARE DOING...STAND WITH ALL TOGETHER HAND IN HAND AS EQUALS....THIS IS THE TRUE LOVE, EQUALITY. Now there are moments that I see comments posts, attacks on us from every which way, and questions[ We both have lost many others whom we deeply loved, because the mind did not want the true being to hear truth]...and its okay, BECAUSE WE HAVE COURAGE OR ELSE WE WOULD NOT HAVE CHOSEN THIS TASK TO AWAKEN A SLEEPY PLANET, AND BRING HER BACK INTO THE LIGHT...and we will continue to STAND IN THE LIGHT AND AWAIT ALL OF YOUR PRESENCE, and we will not give in, or give up, we are dedicated to the Love we are together, to share with this Planet.You can even Tie us up on the Cross as many did to Jesus as he shared the truth of who we all are,but then again the [ mind] would have succeeded once agian THE TRUTH, THE LIGHT, THE LOVE, and the TRUE BRILLIANCE WE ALL ARE, and no matter what the Truth will Be presented to all, and all will have a choice then to make. Yes Courage to stand amongst all of yous who are us, for we are all something AMerith and I have been prepared for all of this current lifetime and many other lifetimes as well.We cannot force anyone to go back into the LIGHT, it has nothing to do with force, just choice. I said to AMerith, I couldn't understand, HOW ONE COULD MAKE A CHOICE TO BE SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT, in our Hearts all we understand is LOVE, what else is there, we cannot imagine there to be anything else. Truly our Loves what else is there? This mind/ego has kept us seperated for way too long, has captured the true being and held it prisoner from the LIGHT,THE BRILLIANCE...We get emails from the minds/egos threatening us, calling us names, saying to us STOP TELLING YOUR TRUTH, BECAUSE ITS NOT TRUTH, AND WE ARE ALL ONE EXCEPT AMERITH AND LIA GO OVER THERE, YOU ARE NOT ONE WITH US and we shake our heads, for Heavens sake, we say WE ARE ALL ONE EQUALLY, AND ONLY THE HEART CAN HEAR TRUTH. So we keep walking in the moments, some are walking with us and it truly does take courage and those that are lacking the courage, have saddly fallen away, .WE HAVE MADE OUR CHOICE TO STAND WITH COURAGE IN THE LIGHT AND BRILLIANCE. WE ALL RAISED OUR HANDS AND SAID WE ALL WOULD LIKE TO BE A PART OF THE GRAND AWAKENING HERE ON PLANET EARTH, and then we look around and say where did they go, oh, they forgot, they got attached to the world, attached to the status quo, attached to the mind/ego's bondage, ATTACHED TO WHAT SOMEONE ELSE HAS TOLD THEM, instead of listening to the TRUTH OF THE HEART WITHIN, attached to the pain and suffering, while the true being inside is trapped in all lies and deception this mind/ego has created.There is only one path back into the LIGHT, and LOVE and that is the PATH OF ONES HEART FROM WITHIN!!!! IT IS THE ONLY WAY THROUGH...

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