Written by Mother of All Creation July 11th, 2008
As The Lights Begin turning on, we will be here to greet you! You are all Grand Beings of Light and this exact Truth is who we are all transforming into as the Divine Plan continues to unfold. AS it is still a Choice, a choice made alone as you surrender to the Love within. We encourage all who read our messages, if you have not already let go and surrendered, the moments we are currently in, and the events about to unfold, it would Be NOW. As Newer and Higher energies continue to pour into the Planet, it will become more and more challenging to continue in the lower realms of unconsciousness and your comfort zones will become increasingly uncomfortable, this is just the reality of those still stuck within the drama and chains from the program, your Cha >kras are all spinning and this connection if not released from the crown chakra will become stuck. We are here to share the Truths as we receive them, so that our part of the Plan is communicated. Whether anyone reads them are not or passes Judgments and plays the naysayer role, clearly as the Divine plan continues to unfold, do not say we did not share with you the Truth about what is occurring. You have had many messengers, sharing many truths about these auspicious moments occurring on this Planet Now. We truly are in Moments that if we are awake, to share with our Brothers and Sisters, the Truth. We have discussed with several other beings what is occurring, about to occur, and they claim that everyone has been making these same statements for years. The difference now is that the Players of the Original Divine Plan have awakened into Full Consciousness. What this means, is that they are well Prepared to assist Humanity through the transformation of this Quantum leap, paradigm shift, and vertical learning curve UP, back into the Light of the Higher Consciousness of oneness. For they traveled the Path courageously back into the Light and are here to assist. There is nothing man can do to stop the "Divine Plan" from Unfolding. Its the Creators Decree, and holds the Highest Laws in all the Universes.Not any of US on this planet are in control, this is why we say JUST LET GO. This is why the Hopi's said Gather yourselves, and "YOU are the ONES you HAVE been waiting for". This is because, once you Let go, you are then in the CREATORS HANDS, your in "Spirit" and you are PRESENT in THE MOMENT OF NOW, able to see clearly the Very Truth from inside your Being, THAT YOU ARE GRAND, THAT YOU ARE BRILLIANT, LOVE IS THE ONLY ANSWER and Love is all that MATTERS. This is Light, this is Love, and once you Become the Expression of Who YOU TRULY ARE, This Perfect Expression, God Spark, is Released into the Whole, this is when You are Completely in "Spirit". Now Again we will express this to all who are reading because we are from the redundancy Club..lol. You are made up of Atoms, atoms are energy, atoms are Creation, Creation can only be LOVE.Whatever you are holding onto that is not Love, is not creation and therefore not REAL. Today is a 111 Day as well as a 999 day. Everyone who is made up of Atoms, LOL....are going through a sequencing event, similar to an activation..everyone on Earth, inside YOUR DNA are sequencing events, or codes of Awakening. Everyone who was born on this planet was born with these codes embedded into them, your SOUL.The Atoms remember who they are, and that is the Creators LOVE. We are Transforming back into the Light, this has Been called By The Creator, that ALL Arrive HOME. As we continue to move at Light Speed Vibration, we are Taking Everything back into the Light and everything that is not Creators Love will be dissolved, Mother Earth is making her Ascension and she must release all density. The Earth her self has Chosen her Destiny of Heaven on Earth and is coming ALIVE, as she Transforms herself into the Garden of Eden. As she Rests and Trusts, craddled in the CREATORS HANDS. In Service to the Truth on Planet Earth=Heart, We Truly are all ONE. We Love you Twin Flames Lia AMeil and AMerith WhiteEagle