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Written by Mother of All Creation March 30th, 2008

Several years ago while reading a book called "The Bringers of the Dawn, Pleidian teachings" By Barbra Marciniak, I [Lia] came across some words that have stuck with me, I heard it as a very deep truth about one of the many reasons, I knew I was here on the earth plane and as a part of my mission and contract, I heard, "the reason you are here, is to see what has kept Humanity controlled and to assist in bringing them out, you first must see clearly what has occurred through understanding and compassion, by seeing the opportunities you can then discover the solutions"....Well here we are 2 years later[ and by Spirit guiding me Home to Amerith], and throughout my journey leading up to this point, I dilengently went on this quest to understand and to see very clearly the truth of this and am bringing forth the information as I and Amerith of come to understand. Alot has been mentioned that fear, control, and abuse is what has kept humans from the true being of Brilliance and Light....This is true and there is more or we can also say it is the same as the ego/mind, which has kept everything seperate. We have identified the Problem on Planet Earth and its the ego/mind, until the ego/mind is dissolved it will continue its cause of isolation and separation. The ego is where duality comes from as well as all the discussions of the "dark" or "dark cabel"[ and for all in fantasy land thinking you can intergrate the dark and light is impossible, light only exists as light, one can transform the dark or ego/mind back into the light thus it dissolves, but they do not exist together its only in illusion], this is also called the unconscious. Real love and the True Being are consciousness, being transformed into awareness and Real Love is a Living Planet Unified, while the ego is the representation of the old world of isolation and seperation a DEFINATE ILLUSION. To an ego this message being brought forth appears as seperation, or the words push a button on the ego/mind as superiority, judgment, critical because an ego/mind cannot "see" Brilliance therefore it cannot "see" Brilliance and Love when its Being presented, just shadows of illusion on the wall, because when True Love exists then the ego ceases to exist, while Real love sees this message as Love in Action, a Labor of Truth which in only Truth can Love be Present, and only Within the Love and truth is the Experience Of JOY, if you are not in JOY YOU SURE ARE MISSING ALL THE FUN. Also contained in this message to the ego is that it appears as if there is power over because again, ego may not go with Love, the ego is unable to move up or experience the trueness of Real Love experienced, only a being in the Heart center has experiences in True Reality or Heaven Consciousness. Real Love is power with all, everyone Freely and Equally. Real Love stands on the Highest Mountain Top and says come up here and join me, and only the True Being may RAISE UP into the higher dimensions or Higher consciousness. Ego is living in duality and sees everything as black or white, while Real love accepts, allows, embraces and understands. The ego is only a projection from the mind, in order to truly connect with the one and all, one must connect from within through the heart, it is the only way, the Heart is the Soul. Love is the True Being and is eternal. Only an ego experiences death as to Real Love only experiences life. So to close with this , ask yourself how this information makes you feel? If it feels to you to run, hide, defend, use the new big spiritual ego word "discernment"....then you are only seeing through the eyes and filter of your mind, the ego, the unconscious, and unconciousness is asleep, to Love everywhere Present. If you see this information as Love and a Powerful Gift to your Heart, then you are looking from within your Heart, and hearing the message brought forth with clarity. So in our changing times Do you want to be Happy or do you want to be Right? Are you really choosing Love [ the true being] or fear [ ego] Written By Twin Flames in service to The Light, Love, Truth, Heaven on Planet Earth Lia Ameil and Amerith WhiteEagle PS. We have read the messages that their is something to fear in our messages, to be of caution, ect whatever the labels, and boxes the ego/mind wishes to put us in. Well of course its a "warning" to the ego/mind saying uho, they Got Us, Now What? Follow the Yellow Brick Road...within your Heart...


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