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The New True Being

Written by Mother of All Creation February 11th, 2008

The ego is a set of belief systems that keep one in a box,its far easier for an ego to live in a lie, then to embrace the truth, unlike being the true being, where there is unlimited thoughts. The true being, light being, is free and embraces love and higher understandings with constant change and growth into more and more love. The ego is not the human heart and is not the soul and currently is afraid to die because it believes it will lose everything, which is true, however, the light being GAINS EVERYTHING when the ego is released.The very center of the unknowable is where we are all one and the true love we all are, in which an ego cannot go. What has happened in the realm of duality is passion has been fear, the masculaine ego, and the pain has been the feminine ego.In the new energy in which twin flames come together passion is unified and transforms the old reality of seperation and isolation. Every soul on the planet has a twin flame, it was a requirement to have a soul in the first place, so the soul could see itself in the experience. Emotion is the past and feelings are the present and true being. Feeling is actually the true being in manifestation. The more and more the ego remains in the new energy of only love the more painful it will be as the moments continue to go at light speed vibration as we head towards 2011. We are getting alot of reactions from the ego about all this information coming out, and yes only egos react, the being understands and embraces. Its too bad, the old is gone and the new energy is coming in, this is being called in from the CREATOR, that duality is over and seperation is no more. One must only see this information as light and truth so you can get to the experience of love. Amerith and I are together to serve humanity for highest good of all and to share the TRUTH about who everyone really is. Soceity has lied to all of us, light will overcome the dark and that is through providing HONEST information. Love to all Lia Ameil and Amerith

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