Written by Mother of All Creation August 19th, 2008
8/19/08 8:08am Love from the "Galactic Federation of Light" "The Kingdom [Company] of Heaven" Part of the First Contact Medical Teams for the Upliftment of Humanity Back into the Light and Joy. With Mother and Father God Present! We insist all now that do not wish to experience Joy, you might want to find a cave to hide in. Because the Rest of US are going to be in So Such much Joy, for this is what Mother and Father God Bring with them, The Kingdom of Heaven. Heaven is not something that is found outside, it comes from the inside out, its an experience, this is the Beauty of it. What we mean as Bring with us , is because As We Stepped into Heaven [ Consciousness] the energy was then Grounded into the Earth. Its Pure UnConditional Love which carries with it Truth, Freedom, and Joy! Like Santa Claus, sure the ego mind said he wasn't true either...LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaVtSHrP888 Santa Claus is coming too town/ Mariah Carey We Understand there are some of you that miss our Humor, uhm.....When you are in Heaven the Experience is always one of Joy! With an Abundance of Laughter..If you don't "get it" its just that your ego minds "fun alarms" are going off...maybe its a "Wake Up call", to take a Look at the Truth, instead of anything the program ever said. You may call us crazy, or insane and we say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-fISSK0b4w "Thank[Think] God" for we no longer live in society or by its rules, We Love, Laugh, Be InJoy, share with Family, express ourselves each moment with Love and Compassion, for in the Kingdom of Heaven we See everyone as Family, for this is the Truth, and within this we are all EQUAL. [ This is Hilarious and short] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOldZXaD7Y4 We are ringing the Bells very Loud, some are experiencing Many Grand Truths Now and Sharing, Its Very Beautiful to observe, how the seeds are Becoming Roses and we are coming together as One Light. We are in Divine Moments, as the Energies of Truth Pour into all Hearts on the Planet. Love is the Only Rule and Law in the "Kingdom of Heaven". Be Enjoy, Be Present, Be here Now. Share your Beauty, Shine Your Light! We Thank you again Today with Deep Gratitude and UnConditional Love. For allowing Us to Share our Truth with you everyday! For allowing US to Embrace you with Joy, and the Highest Love. From Our Hearts to yours. We Love You and We Truly are all one Family of Light. Please share our Information with others if you also feel this Truth within, for we are in for some Joyous Welcome Home Celebrations as the Teams Land on Planet Earth. You may witness some leave this Earth very quickly in unexpected manners. Rest Assured they will Immediatly be met by our Teams and will be in Good Hands, for all are Going Home, one way or the other. Pray for people who hate, KAnthony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQeeZDkMCUQ With Love Mother and Father God Lia AMeil and AMerith WhiteEagle