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Colors & Magical Gifts Activations

In an email to a friend on October 4 2007 Mother of All Creation recommended considering and applying the following information, channeled from Adonai.

There are symptoms as you know, the uneasiness, nausea, depression due to longing, the list is endless but let us share this with you, the symptoms that you are currently facing, because of the new energetic vibrations, are mostly due to the stuff that still needs clearing within your bodies, the physical mental emotional and spiritual aspects of who you are. When you feel an increase of energy coming on, and it makes you feel nervous and unstable the correct thing to do is to calm the self by talking to the self guiding the self back into a balanced state of being. When you are hurt by another, love them, and should they annoy you care for them for this is the unconditional love templates that you have been initiated into and have been active around your planet for some time now, unconditional love and compassion are the two most prominent energies that will remain at the apex of ascension. It is your duty as Lightworkers to lift each other up, to care for one another and to show each other a way towards fun and laughter.
Beloved ones, we shall give each of you a chance to ignite within you a supporting flame of consciousness, so beginning with the sister on my left what do wish to let go of?
M – S elf destroying
MK: For your support in overcoming self destruction sister we gift to you the orange flame and we ask in your meditations to place this in the area of your crown and also within the area of the sacral, to allow this orange flame to light up the yellow flame of worthiness and balance of the self, blessings be with you.
A – I wish to dispose of the anxiety and fear I have of certain people when I hear him encroaching me, coming towards me, giving off negative energy and I always try to be polite and kind, I am working on it very hard.
MK: S ister we hand to you the gift of the emerald flame, we also gift to you the pink flame and we place both these within your heart so that you can forgive others and yourself and you can bring unto yourself and others the gift of unconditional love, may you be blessed in your journey ahead.
Thank you very much
S – Master I wish to dispose of helplessness in the case of those who are in a hopeless situation and referring to those that are terminally ill.
MK: S ister we hand to you the golden flame and we place this in the area of your sacral and solar plexus and we ask that you use this golden flame and in your meditations extend this to others who have lost all hope, blessings be with you.
Thank you
D – Master Kuthumi I wish to do something about my persistent ego.
MK: Brother we hand to you the gifts of the blue and Turquoise flames and we place both those within your throat and sacral chakras, so that these centers can begin a fluid communication between your emotions, allowing this to wake up the higher ego within the solar plexus and the higher energies within the base centre, and through this bringing forth unconditional love within your heart. Blessings be with you.
Thank you master.
A – Master Kuthumi I have recently found the most profound messages coming through and I still find myself sometimes doubting it, especially they want me to channel through a book and ….(inaudible)… and I just need to find clarity and trust and I am also asked to do some healing thus I ask the gift of love to see ….(inaudible)… love that is inside of me and to heal it that way.
MK: S ister we give to you the violet flame and we place this flame in the area of your base chakra, then we hand to you the magenta flame and we place that in the area of the crown so that you can go forth extending your belief systems, so that you are able to heal all issues within yourself relating to the fears, obstructions and blockages within the base centre. Lord Maitreya has stepped forward and He asks that you call upon him personally to ask for advice, guidance and assistance also you need to go through a proper process of grounding and you need to learn proper techniques of connecting with the Realms of Light, if you do not know these techniques then ask for the information to come towards you and given to you for many of the times when you are having communication with the angelic realms it does leave openings for irritations to present themselves within your personal life, is this clear?
Did you understand all that was shared with you?
Blessings be with you.
L- Master Kuthumi please remove my ability to sabotage myself very successfully.
MK: S ister as we have mentioned previously self-sabotage is really on the top of the human priority list not so, it seems they don’t feel happy unless they can shoot themselves in the foot, a human thing. S ister we gift to you the beautiful yellow and well as the violet flame of transmution so that these two energies are placed within your solar plexus and your heart, gift to you the power and the strength to overcome every bit of your weaknesses and to recognize only that within yourself that is of the most high and of most value and then for you to go forth and share these gifts given to you with others, you are most blessed. Thank you.
D – Judgementalism please.
MK: S ister we gift to you the green flame within your heart, we place the blue flame within your throat to dissolve the blockages that is obstructing the energy flow within the throat that forces judgment back into the heart instead of releasing it, we also give to you a third flame of unconditional love to dissolve all this energy that is held within you. Be on your way as you too are most blessed.
J – Master Kuthumi to remove the blockages that I am truly unaware of but I know they are there.
MK: S ister we give to you the ability to release these blockages that are obstructing your sacral chakra through the orange flame, we also give to you the magnificent emerald flame and we place this in your Indigo Chakra to support this. Allow these two flames to burn brightly for you so that you are able to overcome your emotional blockages that are self-created and the inability to really and truly believe in the visions that you have. Blessings be with you.
C – Master Kuthumi self sabotage, procrastination and intolerance.
MK: S ister we give to you the most beautiful Ruby flame and we ask that you visualize this within the base chakra we also give to you the golden flame within your crown chakra, thus allow these two energies to create the basis for you to forgive yourself for all of the mistakes that you have made, to move on from the shortcomings that you have created yourself, and for you to give and receive love and to be able to exchange this with every single being that you meet. We also have a message from Lord Maitreya, to give to you a pink flame to be placed within your heart space, blessings be with you.
I – Master Kuthumi I wish to let go of my fears of not being able to be courageous and assertive, my fear of loss especially within my family and also that I may trust that things will always work out properly.
MK: S ister we gift to you first of all the orange flame within the crown chakra, then we give to you the violet flame in the sacral chakra so that between the orange within the crown and the violet within the sacral they will bring forth a balance of understanding and communication within your emotional body specifically. We are also asked to give to you the supporting white flame of purity so that you can place each and every being that you feel has the need within that flame of purity. Within your meditations connect with these flames and also have the courage to get excited again and do things for yourself and above all to trust that your belief in the Almighty truly is a blessing for you, a remarkable gift, blessings be with you.
P – Master Kuthumi, will you please help me with the fear of commitment.
MK: S ister we give to you also a golden flame within the sacral also we give to you a golden flame within the solar plexus, and we give to you a pink flame within the heart chakra for the initial energy that prevents commitment to soar into a much higher and refined level is the blockage of emotions as it goes tumbling within the sacral chakra. S o to allow your emotions to give you the power of commitment we enlighten you with the golden and pink flames, and we suggest that you combine the two colors and allow them to burn brightly within your heart to envelop yourself and those who you are afraid to make a commitment to for making a commitment is firstly a commitment to the self, and then to another and this should be the basis of all commitments and marriages, blessings be with you.
L – Master Kuthumi I’d like to release the anxiousness and the need to control.
MK: S ister we give to you the violet flame and we place this within your solar plexus and we gift to you also the platinum flame and we place this within the area of your base chakra. The issue of control is a issue that is created through insecurity, all insecurities are first birthed thus rooted within the root chakra before they can grow into any of the other chakras so by giving you these flames we suggest you concentrate on this energy and thus allow the flames to burn away all of that which you feel makes you apprehensive and insecure. Visualize the violet flame and ask for the energy of S aint Germain as well as Lord Lanto to bring forth peace and tranquility for you, blessings be with you.
D – Master Kuthumi I need my fear of lack to be removed as well as my fear in not trusting in my own ability.
MK: S ister we give to you the Turquoise flame and we ignite this within your throat and heart area, we also extend to you the green flame and we suggest for you during your meditations to push this energy above your head within the 8th chakra allowing this transformation to bring forth balance for you, so that you will have no need to have another’s reassurance of your accomplishments for that which you are creating within your life, blessings be with you.
M – Master Kuthumi I need to let go of deep seeded probably ancient beliefs.
MK: Beloved brother, these deep seated beliefs are from a time and space of old and they concern issues that needs seeing to therefore we give to you the violet flame of transformation and for you we suggest during your meditations visualize your entire body within this violet flame and then we also extend to you the most sacred flame of all, the flame of golden consciousness which facilitates the process of Ascension as it births S uper Consciousness, and what might you ask is super consciousness? It God Consciousness. Blessings be with you.
L – Master Kuthumi my main concern is that I am not going to be prepared enough for 2012 and I am also anxious because I work long hours I don’t have quality time for myself or to do as much service as I’d like to do.
MK: S ister we place within your heart the Emerald flame, so that you can actually let go of all the victim energy still present within you at subconscious and conscious levels, for this is what is creating immense blockages for you. The victim inside is the part of you that always believes that things should be better?
MK: Do you agree with this?
MK: so then let us assist you in clearing this by visualizing this beautiful flame in your heart which will assist you in altering your time roster so that you can work as you please and still enjoy your life, for sister the words we have shared at the very beginning was meant for every single lightworker on the planet, they are not having enough fun, YOU are not having enough fun, many beings such as yourself are so busy planning for 2012 that they are not remotely aware about 2007 let alone the years that passed. What will happen if your life comes to an end this afternoon? I shall tell you sister, all the way up to heaven you will beat yourself over the head saying ‘ I should’ve lived! I should’ve Lived! I should’ve Lived!’ (laughter) that’s what will happen, do you understand this?
MK: S o forget about 2012, pretend for just a while it wasn’t there, go out there and be passionate about your life again, yes?
MK: When last did you have a picnic in your garden?
- I cant remember
MK: S ister we would like for you to recreate that feeling again, your garden is missing you did you know this?
- I do yes
MK: Beloved sister we also hand to you the violet flame of transmution as well as the white flame of purity and Light so that you are able to wake-up to this life that is yours instead of yearning for that which is to come. Our blessings are with you.
Beloved ones, before we close this afternoons transmission we shall leave you with a short activation to help reinforce the energy that you have received, we wont waffle too much as you say (laughter). Please straighten your spines,
The flames that I have given you, please visualize them in the exact way that it was presented to you (Very long pause). Is anyone struggling with this?...silence… .Very good. Once you can see them in the specific area and colour given, we’d next like for you to visualize that a magnificent violet flame opens up the area of your 13th chakra, this is for everyone please. This is about 40cm above the head, then see this flame descend as it envelops your energy field in its totality, the more the energy descends towards your head the more you will feel the pressure of the energy pressing upon your head. Allow this to descend into the starseed chakra the 11th, then the 10th, then the 9th chakra which is already activated in its first stage, and then draw this violet energy into the 8th chakra which is fully activated and then allow this to rest upon the crown. Can you feel the energy pressing down upon your head, heavy pressure?
All answer yes
MK: Is there anyone that can’t physically feel this?
Long pause.
Mk: Now we’d like for you to move this energy further, beloved ones breathe comfortably as some might find the very intense, but just relax into it by visualizing this energy beginning to form vibrations of fluid love (pause) and allow this violet flame to travel all the way down your bodies, like a thick syrup filling all of your lower bodies and your chakras with love as it travels through your base into the earth (pause). Now feel yourself powerfully connected to the planet, should you feel uncomfortable with this energy just breathe into it. Pause.
Beloved ones this yet another gift gifted to you from the Master of all Magic so that you are able to transmute all of that which you have mentioned and be able to take the lower energies and get rid of them, for if you are not transmuting these energies you will not be able to take on the refined vibrations that are install for you in the not too distant future.
Now visualize coming from deep within the earth another energy. Visualize yourself exactly where you are presently sitting, see the part of the building underneath you (we are 1 level up) then connect to a point exactly one meter below the soil of the earth exactly in line with your base centre thus directly underneath you. Can you connect with that point?
This is called your earth star grounding point thus if you ever feel that you cannot cope and feeling ungrounded be still and connect to this energy for this energy will help you in stabilizing all your bodies, it matters not if you are 29 levels up in the air, or on the ground it makes no difference. Just allow your consciousness to travel down to that point, connect with this and allow this to ground you. This energy is connected to you as a polarity balancer which partly supports your energy on the planet in remaining stable. Now visualize from the inner earth a beautiful golden energy travels up towards you, feel this energy as it travels up, towards and through your earth star grounding point. You will feel this energy as a magnet in other words the closer this energy travels towards your physical body it will feel as if you are being pulled closer to the planet (pause). Allow this golden energy to travel up and pull unto your feet, can you feel this?
Can you all feel this? yes
MK Now what you are going to do is to allow this golden energy to travel up and encapsulate ALL of your bodies, thus we are creating a golden cocoon or egg energy that is about at an arm’s length distance away on the periphery of your bodies surround all your bodies. (pause) Allow this beautiful bubble to form around you encapsulating your energy, as you allow this to complete itself including the 13th chakra within this golden egg. (pause) Now visualize from the area of the 13th chakra a small strand or Liquid gold extends up into the sky above you as it melds with the violet energy and extends into the heavens. (pause). By now you should begin to feel much lighter, can you feel this?
As the energy connects with the star energies the balance is complete and you will feel instantly lighter, can you feel this?
Oh yes
Continue until you feel the complete balance of the magnetic energies creating a polarity balance for you. (pause). You must feel balanced. (pause)
Beloved ones, for those that are feeling extremely vulnerable in fact everyone please we’d like for you to visualize a titanium and platinum shield begins to form covering each chakra of the individual chakras mentioned at the front and the back, thus place this shield of divine protection around each of the chakras where we have initiated the specific individual flames for you. Long pause. (for those reading this transcript you may place this shield around any area that you feel vulnerable about). (pause).
Now call upon the presence of Archangel MichaEL to bless these shields of divine protection with His energy (pause) so that you are able to transmute the lower energies without interference, to prevent them from continuingly dragging you down, so that you are finally able to feel much lighter and have more fun (pause).
Beloved ones, please extend your arms and hold each others hands to form a complete circle of light. (all hold hands) As you do so feel this magnificent vibration of divine love that permeates through every part of Creation, and as this energy is welcomed within the circle of brotherhood and sisterhood know that it is your duty to hold each others hand, to be there for each other, to nurture and comfort each other, for as we are extending our energy fields melding into each other, know that not now or not ever can you be alone. I am Kuthumi I am the Lord and the Master of the golden Ray of Love and wisdom and greet and bless thee as I leave thee within this loving energy, Adonai.
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