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~ Truth Transmissions~The Soul Experience, The Reconnection to Love=Source


Written by Mother of All Creation 1-25-2012

Truth Transmissions~The Soul Experience, The Reconnection to Love=Source~

~What We have observed is that through the 11~11 portal more are at the Level of putting all the pieces together. We feel the Truth Transmissions will assist in these missing puzzle pieces!~ ~The Soul Language is the Only Language in True Reality, and The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This is the Language We all Share together in One shared Love.This is the one and Only Real Language, and AS you Awaken, you Will Remember your Connection to the Soul Language, Multi~Dimensionally.~

~The Key to Awaken is to Fall in Love with Self, once this Occurs, Love takes Over, and then The Lights Come on as You Understand What Love Really is. Love is you and Everything. Then you Realize the Connection to all that is. When you fall in Love with Self, the Experience is an Awakening from Within your Soul. Once this Connection is Made ,You Can Then Hear LOVE SPEAKING TO YOU, Calling YOU, then Your Path and Journey Home Begins.

We of the Light, Have Made the Connections to Our Feeling Centers [This Means All Lights ON, and All Senses Reconnected], And Now WE Wait Patiently For Everyone else on this Planet To Connect in. This is why The Awakening on this Planet is Inevitable. ~ ~We are here to Greet you Into The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.~

Greetings, Blessings, Miracles, Many Moments of Gratitude, and Magical Synchronostic Events.

Today we are going to discuss The Experience of the Soul. The Soul does not experience in 2d perception duality, which is where Most of Humanity is currently in, in the old paradigm, the game of illusion. 2d is a lie, because it is based on fantasy and illusion, and a Soul Only Knows and Understands the Language of Love. The Soul only experiences Love and Truth out of the illusion. Each of You have a Soul, a Soul was a Requirement to Be Born into this Realm on this Planet, whether they appear dark~soulless or not. Your Soul is Your Light=The Truth of Who You Are, the Connection to the Divine, Spirit. The Soul Feel's from within, this is the Sense Humanity lost while in the illusion. The Feeling Centers is the Connection to the Soul, and to Source=The ALL. These Feeling Centers are What We are Assisting the Planet In Awakening, this is the lost Sense. The Light within is How you "Re Gain Your Senses Back", it is The missing Link that connects Everything Back together Again, So to Speak. This is the same as the 6th Sense, However there is More to This, because Feelings are Love and Love is Creation. Therefore, the Feelings are always Becoming grander and Grander, always Expanding into Grander Experiences. Without these Feeling Centers, you cannot Hear Love Calling You, because Love is Getting a Busy Signal, no connection.

When You make the Connection to you and Your Soul, this Reconnects you to the ALL=Source. Then You are able to Hear US.

Many of You are Awakening into You, and You are Beginning to Feel Now. How one Experiences their Awakening is up to them.The Feelings may Feel odd for a Moment, but if you take a Moment and Breathe, You Will Remember they are Natural, and you had just forgotten. The Only Language of the Soul, is Love, All Feelings are of only Love, Love is all That Exists.

Your Feeling Centers are Being Reconnected, which Means the Right and Left Brain Are Fusing Back together, and Balanced Harmonics Are Occurring through this Process. ~There is Only One Love, and We are All Apart of that ONE LOVE. Everything Within Creation is Just ONE LOVE.~ In the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, WE are All Parts that make the Whole. Each Unique, Whole, Brilliant, Love and Light Beings that make the ONE. Can WE Say "All Together NOW"?

~The Soul Connection and The Oneness Energy~

Each of Your Unique Experiences in the Oneness Energy Contributes to the Whole. Because the Total is Greater then the Sum of all the Parts. This occurs as you Awaken and Reconnect Your Souls To Source. Then You Are in Service to Love, which is the ONENESS ENERGY. You then, Become Co~Creators with Creation and Love. Each of you In Love Contributing to the ALL, Always makes for Grander Experiences. This is True Reality, which means You have Reconnected Your Feelings To Your Soul, to Source, you then Have the Soul Experience of Love and Creation Always in Motion Creating. This is the same as The Present Moment of Now. This is also Called the Unknowable and The Unknowable is Where Creation and Love Come Together, to Create More Brilliance. You are unable to Have this Experience until you have Reconnected to Your God Self, Soul Self.

Once you Make the Reconnection to your Soul, you are then able to Hear Real Love and Truth. This is what the soul responds too. The Feeling can be described as a tingly Body Sensation throughout the Body, and the feeling of resistance to The Truth is an experience of a knot in the stomach area [this is fear, if you have this experience Breathe Through it to unblock the Energy]. The knot occurs as you block Energy that is Real, that is flowing to you.

When you are Connected in, the Soul Speaks to you through the Feeling Centers, Described as a Tingling Body Sensation, like a current of Electricity running through your body which makes the Hair on your body raise as well. This is an unmistakable experience and Feeling. This will be Very Recognizable and Noticeable and only Occurs when Love and Truth are Present.

All your Soul=Higher Self=God Self can Comprehend is Love and Truth. The Soul has no connection to illusion or 2d perception, because illusion is the disconnection from yourself, your Soul. When you Reconnect your Feeling Centers, Then Your Soul Lets YOU know!! As we said, it's Undeniable. Now, when you Experience the Feelings, do not Hold onto them, Let them Go, so that a Grander Experience may Arrive. If you hold onto it, you block the other experiences that are coming, because Love is a Free Energy, Free Flowing, if you Hold onto one experience you miss the next one coming.

Everything we Share with you In Our Messages We have Experienced and Experience is the same as Wisdom. We Provide you the Information so you have Reference Points, these are The Light Posts~Beacons that are Your Guides, Guide Posts of Love and Truth. Once you Connect to your Soul, completely and Immediately, Your Vibrational Frequency Begins to Raise, and You become More and More Present.

The Light that is "Flame On, Inside" because of this Connection begins Transforming you Back to a Complete Feeling and Experiencing Being. Your Body Hologram Will Actually Begin Vibrating in the Love Frequency, that is A constant Feeling of Connection to Soul/Source, such as the Tingling Sensation in the Body we have Described. This is the Soul Saying YES.

What We are Sharing with you is an Experience Every Soul on this Planet Is Yearning For, and this is why Love is SO Contagious. Through making this Connection, Love begins Self Correcting, moving you more and more into Love, Love Heals. This begins transforming everything else as well. It's You that has to Open this Door, and this why You Have to Be the Change! Let Love in, By Loving the Self. This is the Beginning of the Transformation of the Light Bodies once One Reaches this State of Vibrational Frequency.

The Vibrational Frequency is Simple, because all it is, is Love. This is the Only Language the Soul Understands. This is When your Soul Says "I Am" FREE! This Experience is Complete and Total Presentness in the NOW= Ascension, Connected to Soul~Source~Truth~Love and the Oneness Energy.

~End Transmission Enjoy Your Journies in All Love IS~

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